A Note From Our Watershed Coordinator

By David Stein

Thank you all for joining us for the second Prairie Rivers of Iowa Newsletter for 2020.  As I’m sure you’ve all heard throughout 2020, this year has been filled with many unprecedented challenges for Iowa and the country as a whole.  Here at Prairie Rivers, that was no different, but I am so incredibly happy and proud that the Watersheds and Waterways Team was able to overcome these challenges and continue to support Iowa’s environment and natural resources.

The watershed team has been involved in several projects during the second half of this year.  We have been hard at work with a diverse group of stakeholders in Story County to develop a 10-year water quality monitoring plan.  This group of stakeholders has been meeting as a formal team monthly and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.  

The Nectar Network Program is also off to a great start with the reopening of the Community Native Seed Bank for 2020.  This program provides free seeds and planting instructions to members of the public looking to begin a native garden.  Our sponsors for this year include Prairie Moon Nursery, Shooting Star Native Seeds, Minnesota Native Landscapes, and Simply Native Nursery.

We have several upcoming events over the next month.  We will be holding a virtual field day on December 11th at noon over Zoom.  This event will be all about planting pollinator and wildlife habitat in town, on the farm, and on an entire landscape.  The event will be split into three short informational videos with time for asking questions to local experts.  We will also be hosting webinars on water quality topics in December and January.  The best way to stay informed about all of our events is to follow and keep in touch with Prairie Rivers on social media.  Our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are consistently updated with helpful information about events and important topics.  Thank you all again, and enjoy our newsletter.

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