Conservation Practices and Nutrient Reduction

Let us help you invest in your soil and water!

  • Free of charge consulting
  • Assessment of current land management
  • One-on-one assistance with a field specialist
  • A packet of information customized for your land
  • Technical information and available resources
  • Financial assistance identification

For over 20 years, Prairie Rivers of Iowa has been working with farmers and landowners, connecting them with cost-share providers. As a not-for-profit, one of our services is to help you choose the right conservation practices for your land, and even prepare all the paperwork to help streamline the process as much as possible. Allow us to make sure that your soil and water stays in place on your farm, and not downstream.

Just some of the practices we can help with include:

Cover Crops
Cost-Share per Acre

Conservation Tillage
Up to $10
Cost-Share per Acre

Grassed Waterways

Saturated Buffers

What conservation practices might work on your land?  Check out our menu of interactive story maps to find suitable locations for saturated buffers, wetlands, and more!

Contact the Prairie Rivers of Iowa Watershed Coordinator David Stein today to start saving your soil, water, and money! Call him at 515-232-0048 or fill out the form below.

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